
Data Analysis

Fit decisions according to data and not the other way around!

We are dedicated to implementing effective data analysis to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. We ensure accuracy, reliability, and actionable results in our data analysis processes through a systematic approach.

Project lifecycle

A customized full-stack approach can be broken down into several stages. Without further ado, we summarize the project lifecycle with the following diagram:

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Data modeling

Data modeling is the first step in the process of developing a database. It involves creating a conceptual representation of data and its relationships. Before modeling, it is always good to understand what questions the data should answer or what problems the data should solve. We can support you in modeling a custom-to-your-needs database or adapting your existing database to meet the requirements specified by your needs.

Data cleansing and preparation

Do you have a large amount of data and cannot use it in its existing form? We can do the necessary cleansing, validation, and conversion of the raw data into a usable format. This includes handling missing values, removing duplicates, and standardizing variables. When preparing the data, errors are removed, and consistency is ensured.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

EDA involves analyzing and visualizing data to gain insights and understand its properties. With EDA, you can uncover patterns, relationships, and outliers in data, which leads to understanding the data and forming hypotheses.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses historical data to make predictions about future events or trends. We use modern machine learning techniques to develop predictive models that help our clients predict outcomes or make informed decisions. We can build for you a recommendation system tailored to your needs.

Reports and insights - customized data analytics solutions

Depending on specific requirements, our data analysts can develop customized data analytics solutions for your industries or businesses. We can develop algorithms, perform industry-specific analyses, or integrate comprehensive reports, summaries, and data-driven recommendations into your existing system.

Training and counseling

We provide training and consulting services to help clients improve their data analysis skills, interpret results and implement data-driven strategies.

Consult with us

Let us know what you need.